Engr. Kamal Ram, Contact : +965 94074747 (Kuwait), E-mail : kamal.mech.engg@gmail.com, +91-9041049598 (India), WhatsApp : +965 94074747 & +91 9041049598
Plumbing Codes
A plumbing code is a code that provides regulations for design, installation and inspection of building and sanitary systems. Every plumbing designer should understand these codes. It's to protect the health, walfare and safety of public. While details of plumbing design may vary from area to area, the basic principles of sanitation and safety remain the same everywhere.
Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)
Designated as an American National Standard, the Uniform Plumbing Code ( UPC ) is a model code developed by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) to govern the installation and inspection of plumbing systems as a means of promoting the public's health, safety and welfare.
Uniform Plumbing Codes provides minimum requirements and standards to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Its provisions are applicable to the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, use, or maintenance of plumbing systems .

National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC)
Designed to ensure the proper installation of plumbing systems, this code provides local bodies and industry with a modern code to protect public health and safety. This code provides information about common material, fixtures, devices and equipment systems used or installed in plumbing systems. Chapter 11 deals with Sanitary Drainage System and annexure B - Sizing the Building Water System .
This code is founded upon certain basic principle of environmental sanitation and safety though properly designed, acceptably installed and adequately maintained plumbing systems. Some of the details of plumbing construction may vary but the basic sanitary and safety principles desirable and necessary to protect the health of the people are the same everywhere.
International Plumbing Code(IPC) - Handbook
The International Plumbing Code is a plumbing code and standard which sets minimum requirements for plumbing systems in their design and function, and which sets out rules for the acceptances of new plumbing-related technologies.
The IPC is the most widely used plumbing code in the United States and is also used as the basis for the plumbing code of several other countries. Wide adoptions are important as they help reduce manufacturer and end-user costs by allowing the use of materials across a wide user base, thus allowing economies of scale in production of materials used in construction .